Cst microwave studio wikipedia
Cst microwave studio wikipedia

cst microwave studio wikipedia

High Frequency Stimulator Software(HFSS).CST Studio Suite 2019 is quite possibly the most impressive programming in the field of mathematical reenactment of electromagnetic fields, planning an assortment of radio wires and high recurrence circuits. Dr.K.T.V.Reddy,Dr.K.Padma Priya R.Kalyan, "Compact Band Notch Ultra wide band Microstrip Antenna for Short Distance Wireless Application," in International Conference on innovative Communication and Computational Technologies(ICICCT), Coimbatore, 2017, p. R.kalyan, Y.M.Dubey Ragini Mishra, "N slot Hexagonal UWB Antenna integrated with band notch characteristics," International Accedemy of Engineering and Medical Research, Dec 2016. Federal Communication Commssion, "First order and report: Revision of part 15 of the Commision's qrules regarding UWB transmission system," April22,2002. F.Yang and Y.Rahamat-Samii, "Microstrip antenna integrated with electromagnetic band gap(EGB)structures:A low mutual coupling design for array application," IEEE transaction.antennas.


Rama Rao, Dr.C.Dharamraj," Implementation of Octagonal and Hexagonal Microstrip Patch Antennas for UWB Applications"International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (SSRG - IJECE),Volume 3 Issue 9 2016. Chen Y.D.dong,"Development of UWB antenna with multiple band notchedcharacteristics using half mode substrate integrated wavegude cavitytechnology," IEEE ., vol. V.Indhumathi," Design of koch fractal bow tie antenna for wireless applications",International Journal of Mobile Computing and Application (SSRG-IJMCA),Volume1 Issue2 2014. Aanandan M.Gopikrishna, "Band notched semielleptic slot antenna for UWB system," in .,2008, pp. Waltho S.Y.Suh, "A UWB antennawith a stop band notch in the 5 GHz WLAN band," in Proc.IEEE/ACES Int. Li, "Design of compact UWB band-nothed antenna by means of electromagnetic bandgap structures," Electron. Lee, "Tapered slot antenna with band notched function for Ultra wide band radios," IEEE Antennas Wireless Propogation Lett. Kim, "Triple band -notched UWB monopoe antenna with two resonator structures," Microwave. Koohestani, "Band reject ultra wideband monopole antenna using patch loading," Electronics Letter, vol. Yin, "Dual band-notched antenna with the parasitic strip for UWB," Prog, vol. Design and performance analysis of modified circular planar monopole UWB antenna Anvesh Kumar ,Gandhi. Miniaturized W Slot Ultra Wide Band Microstrip Antenna for Short Distance CommunicationRagini Mishra, Kalyan ,Dubey 2017 International Conference on Innovations in Information. Unit Cell Structure For Multiport Ultra Wide Band Antenna S.Syedakbar, A.Muthulakshmi, Monika Dharani.G, Aarthy.J. Basic Properties and DesignPrinciples of UWB Antennas by Werner Wiesbeck, Fellow IEEE, Grzegorz Adamiuk, Student Member IEEE, and Christian Sturm, Student Member IEEE Ashish Chand, Dinesh Kumar,"Design & Parameters Analysis of Microstrip Patch Antenna for Ultra wide band Application",International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (SSRG-IJECE),Volume-3 Issue-7 2016. IEEE sponsored 2’nd international conference on electronics and communication systems(icecs 2015). Uwb antenna design by ogirala venkata saikiran, p. 2015 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks.Kumar,"Design & Parameters Analysis of Microstrip Patch Antenna for Ultra wide band Application", International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering ( SSRG – IJECE ) – Volume 3 Issue 7 – 2016. Design of UWB Antenna for Short Distance Wireless Communication System by Vikas Kumar Rai, Mithilesh Kumar, Upadhayay M. The design is carried out using CST microwave studio 2014.Maily used in the application like military, satellite, cognitive radio etc… References: Rectangular patch and defected ground structure is used to attain UWB range.

cst microwave studio wikipedia cst microwave studio wikipedia

We use micro strip line feeding and rectangular shape as a base shape for patch.FR4 is used as a substrate material with thickness 1.57mm with copper cladding for a ground and patch as 0.035mm. In this paper we propose a Ultra wide band antenna which operates on UWB range (3.1 to 10.6GHz). SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering 5(6), 7-10. APA Style:ĭivya Soundharya, Nivethitha, Lekha priyadharshini and Vanaja,(2019). Divya Soundharya, Nivethitha, Lekha priyadharshini and Vanaja, "Design of Ultra Wide Band Antenna" SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering 5.6 (2018): 7-10.

Cst microwave studio wikipedia